📈 Communicate your results effectively with the best data visualizations
Use popular tools such as Plotly, Mermaid, and data frames.
I am Associate Professor at the ESPOL University. My research interests include estimating agricultural productivity, evaluating the effectiveness of agricultural insurance and weather derivatives, and the impact of social networks. I have served ESPOL as Associate Dean and as Dean of the Faculty of Social and Humanistic Sciences, and Viceminsitry of Economy in Ecuador. Currently, I am associated researcher of Center of Economic Research at ESPOL.
PhD in Agricultural Economics
Texas A&M University, USA
MSc in Economics
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
BSc in Economics
ESPOL University, Ecuador
Use popular tools such as Plotly, Mermaid, and data frames.
El MET es una herramienta clave para distribuir los recursos de manera equitativa entre los municipios, sin embargo, las diferencias regionales en los ingresos y gastos sugieren que aún hay margen para mejora, de modo que todas las regiones puedan alcanzar niveles de desarrollo más equitativos.